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Wanna know when you are going to be at which exchange zone?

 Wanna know when you are going to be expected to cross the finish line?


This will help!

We have gone ahead and formulated an Excel spreadsheet that will tell you what times you should be arriving at each exchange zone.   Simply go in and INPUT EACH RUNNERS AVG. 10K TIME and it does the rest.     It will tell you what time you should be arriving at each exchange zone to allow your other runners time to rest and know better when to expect you.  


To download this Excel spreadsheet (**Updated 8/10/2015 for the NEW C2C Relay Course),

just CLICK HERE.    Remember....ONLY fill in the BLUE SECTIONS.   Leave the rest and it will calculate the arrival times for you!

© 2022 Texas C2C Relay / Every Brand Sports

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