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Here are some of the frequently asked questions we see. 

If you dont see the answer to your question here, let us  know and we will answer it for you AND then add it to this list!

I want to run the relay, but need help finding teammates.

We recommend that you join our Facebook group, and leave a message. There are always people looking for substitute runners and wanting to start new teams.  You can also contact us, we will be more than happy to add you to the SINGLE RUNNERS LIST, and if you want, you can also recruit runners for your team from the same list.  Find enough single runners, and start your own team!

How does the relay race work?

The entire 125 mile race is run by 3-7 teammates, each one will run a total of three legs (varying in length from 3 to 6 miles).   Runner 1 will run his leg and hand the 'baton' to Runner 2 who is waiting for him/her at the first exchange.   Runner 2 takes off and Runner 1 rejoins his teammates in the van (most likely in the 'stinky' seat - where the sweaty runner rests and recovers :)  and then they go to the next checkpoint to drop off Runner 3, and so forth. Each runner will then run every 7 legs (this scenario is for a full team of 7)   


How am I able to be a sponsor?

We are always looking for great partners and associates to work with to make this event AWESOME!! Contact us to see what sponsorship opportunities would work best for your company.

Are we able to use an RV to carry our runners during the race?


SOME RV's are allowed to carry runners during the race.  The reason is that not all are allowed, is that while it is very comfy to ride in style, it is a traffic nightmare and there are no spots to park at the exchange zones and makes for a big traffic jam.   You can use something that is like a camper that fits in the back of a pickup or something like that, as long as it is about the size of a pick up or is the size of a smaller RV. (no tour buses, etc.)   Otherwise, any 12 or 15 passenger van is legal, as well as any SUV.   For questions, please ask me or send a picture of the RV in question.

Does this race benefit a charity?

We plan on giving money back to both the University of Texas - Austin and Texas A&M University and to be able to give to good causes / scholarships at those schools.


What is the deal with the volunteers, what will they do, and what if I cant come up with 4 of them?


As far as the volunteers....these will be people who will help primarily at the exchange zones along the route to man those, and be there as runners come thru, to be a presence for the teams, to make sure the teams are doing ok, cheer them on, make sure all teams are accounted for, etc.    They can also volunteer at the start to get teams signed in and as well as at the finish, to hand out medals, awards, cheer on teams etc.   It certainly isnt that labor intensive, but is making sure that there are people along the route to help guide the teams.   Most volunteers will need to be at a station for about 4 hrs or so.

The volunteers can pick the places/exchanges they would like to go to, the times they can work and we will do all we can to work with them to make the experience a pleasant one, etc. 

Right now, dont worry too much about the can just concentrate on the team recruitment and we will work with you with volunteers as we get closer to the race :) 

What happens if one of our runners drops out?

They can be replaced by another runner of the same sex (and depending the same age) up to race time.  Just let us know that you have a replacement, or if you still have at least 4 runners, you can just run without the runner that had to drop out.  

If they get injured during the race and cant go on, then the next runner can jump in for him/her and continue on and everyone will move up a leg and you will have to finish the run with 1 less than you started with.

What makes the Campus to Campus Relay different?

These relays while similar in procedure, The Campus to Campus Relay is different by its unique audience (mostly college kids from UT and TAMU) and the healthy competition between the schools and rivalry that is one of the best in all of college sports.   Now that UT and TAMU are going to be in the SEC together, it is TIME TO RENEW THE RIVALRY!!     Austin is one of the best destinations in the US to go for outdoor activities, social functions and activities, as well as being the LIVE MUSIC CAPITAL of the world, and ONE OF THE BEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE US.   College Station is arguably the best college town in the US as no other town is so connected to its University.   It even has COLLEGE in its name!!   Friendly competition, athletics, fitness, running, fun, a team sport and TO BACK YOUR COLLEGE!!!!

Who provides the vans?

Each team is responsible for their own arrangment of vans or SUVS.  You can rent 12 passenger vans from our recommended partner or you can use an SUV (not near as comfortable since you have 7 people in each SUV or Van).    Please see our website for VAN RENTAL information and promo codes.  We also recommend checking with a local church and seeing if they will allow you to use their van.

When will our race start time be given out?

Race times will be given out about 2 - 3 weeks in advanced of the race, we will notify you as they are ready.

When is the last time I can update and change our team info (10K time, shirt sizes, etc)?

10K times can be updated until about 1-2 weeks before the race.  The shirt sizes will need to be given about a month before when we order the shirts.   Any persons signing up late may or may not get the exact size of shirt they are asking for.

Do I need to have all 4-7 people together to register?

No, it is not necessary but recommended.  Team members can be updated until race day although we cannot guarantee a correct shirt size for the last minute runners.   The team registration fee must be paid at registration but if you dont know all your runners, that is fine.  If you intended on running with 7 runners and only end up with 5, you can add two runners up to just before the race or just run with your 5 current runners.

© 2022 Texas C2C Relay / Every Brand Sports

For more information on the race:

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